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New for this season in Pal Arinsal

Pal Arinsal has launched this winter the first phase of the future skiing connection of the two sectors with the new Port Negre cable car and a new white piste in Arinsal.

For the 2024-2025 season, the resort will complete the next phase of the connection with a tele-ski and green pistes that already allow skiing from one sector to the other.

Pistas_instalaciones.jpg Pal Arinsal Pistas e instalaciones Pal Arinsal Pistas e instalaciones

Slopes and facilities

New Port Negre Arinsal chairlift and new el Niu slope 

This season Pal Arinsal has a new six-seater detachable chairlift, Port Negre de Arinsal, and a new blue piste, El Niu. Both new features will considerably improve skiers’ mobility around the resort and mark the first step towards the future ski link between the Pal and Arinsal sectors.

On the other hand, the new 700-metre blue run will make it easier to get from one side of the Arinsal sector to the other, improving skiers’ experience.

Refurbishments and other new developments

It has carried out various refurbishments at different points, such as the reception area of the Pal nursery, the rest area of the Jardí de Neu de Pal garden and the ticket offices and customer service area of the ski school in the Planells building.

The Adaptive Center Pal Arinsal, the ski school for people with functional disabilities, will have new equipment and a team of 5 specific instructors.

The Corpalanca slope, which last year was approved for competition by the FAE, will now have a timing system for the races that will be held during the winter.  


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Sostenibilitat i medi ambient

Innivation and energy saving

The resort incorporates four new state-of-the-art snow cannons to continue to optimise snowmaking at all points in the domain. In addition, the Planell snow cannons have been renewed to make them more efficient.

The lift and return cabinets have been renovated, replacing the automatic controllers and TSD Serra 2 screens, and a new piste simulator has been installed at TCF Tossa.