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General conditions of sale

NEUS DEL VALIRA, SA offers an online shopping service that allows you to buy the products/services available on our website.

This document establishes the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE that regulate the operation of this Website and the contracting/reservation of products/services through and its sub-domains. The use of the Website constitutes acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE. However, if you have any questions or queries about them, you can contact our Customer Service via our contact form.

General conditions of sale

Website terms and conditions of sale

These GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE have been drawn up in accordance with what has been established in: 

Law 12/2013, of 13 June, on Commerce, Law 13/2013, of 13 June, on effective competition and consumer protection, and the Decree of 7 August 2013 approving the Regulations for official complaint sheets, demands, and claims regarding consumption.

  1. General contact information
  2. Definitions and purpose
  3. Product and service
  4. User access
  5. Rules of use of the Website
  6. Intellectual and industrial property
  7. Notification of breach
  8. Formalization of the contract and reservations
    8.1. Prices
    8.2. Reservation procedure
    8.3. Estimates
    8.4. Reservation confirmation
    8.5. Signature
    8.6. Free documentation delivery service Pago
  9. Payment
    9.1. Payment methods
    9.2. Security in payments operations
    9.3. Payment in instalments
    9.4. One-click payments
  10. General terms and conditions for purchasing Ski Pass Plus+
  11. General terms and conditions for purchasing the Nord Pass Season Pass and Andorra Pass
  12. Civil infractions and penalties
  13. Cancellation and modification policy
    13.1. Expenses applicable to the cancellation of reservations
    13.2. Refund of the payment
    13.3. Early departure from tourist accommodation
  14. Modification or cancellation of the service by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS or the SERVICE PROVIDER
    14.1. Impossibility of carrying out the transport
  15. Complaints and claims
  16. Travel insurance
  17. Skiing insurance
  18. Accommodation services: Plans and classification
  19. Liability and security of transactions
  20. Customer Services / Mediation Services
  21. Liabilities
  22. Liability and limitation for links from other web pages
  23. Liability and limitation for links to other web pages
  24. Publicity
  25. Protection of personal data
  26. Miscellany


1. General contact information

In accordance with Article 27 of Law 13/2013, of 13 June, on effective competition and consumer protection, we would like to inform you that the ownership of this Website,,, and (hereinafter “Website”) and its sub-domains is held at: NEUS DEL VALIRA, SA (hereinafter, “GRANDVALIRA RESORTS”), with NRT: A706067F, registered in the Commercial Registry No. 917870Z, and whose contact details are:

Address: Av. Carlemany, 68, despatx 401, edifici Illa Carlemany – AD700 Escaldes-Engordany (Andorra)


2. Definitions and purpose

The terms used in these conditions are defined as follows:

“User”: Any person browsing the Website.

“Customer”: That person who reserves one or more services from those offered on the Website.

“Service”: Any service offered by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS on the Website, such as the reservation of ski passes, accommodation, restaurants, etc.

“Provider or supplier of services”: Refers to any SERVICE PROVIDER that offers the service contracted by the Customer, which is not directly offered by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

“Order”: Hiring of a service through the Website.

The purpose of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE is firstly, to inform Customer Users of the conditions and modalities in which GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will proceed to sell the products/services offered and, secondly, to provide information about the rights and obligations of “the parties” within the framework of the sale of products/services by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS to the Customer (hereinafter, “the Customer”).

These GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE will apply without restriction or reservation, to all sales of services made through the Website. As such, the Customer, when contracting products/services, acknowledges having read and understood these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE prior to placing the Order, and accepts them completely and fully.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to unilaterally modify these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE at any time. However, those that the Customer had accepted at the time of contracting will be applicable to the Order. For this reason, the Customer should read, save, and print a copy of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE when making the purchase.

These GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE include the General Conditions of Use of the Website and will be completed with the provisions of the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy.

Likewise, the contracting of a tourist service offered by one of the SERVICE PROVIDERS that appear on the Website implies the explicit acceptance of the particular conditions and contracting policies of each SERVICE PROVIDER in question.

3. Product and service

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS, through the Website, acts both as the owner and as a promoter of SERVICE PROVIDERS and offers the following products/services for sale:

Ski passes, ski lessons, adventure activities, restaurant services, accommodation reservations, as well as other services present in the domain and sub-domains of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

The services that can be contracted on the Website and on all its sub-domains can be reserved individually or in combination, as a package of services. 

4. User access

The simple act of access to the Website attributes to whoever performs it the condition of User.

The use of services offered on the Website is free for Users; there is no commission or cost of any kind for accessing the Website, except as regards the cost of connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the access provider contracted by the User, who is responsible for paying for it.

Access through third-party applications (for example, Facebook) implies that the security of access in this way is the responsibility of said entities. Likewise, the Website declines any direct or indirect liability for the failure of the systems or unavailability of the Website or any similar situation.

5. Rules of use the Website 

The User will be responsible for all  their published content and its veracity. The User will be solely responsible for any false, inaccurate, or outdated statements made and for the damages caused to GRANDVALIRA RESORTS or to third parties as a consequence of the breach of this duty.

By using this Website, the user accepts that most of the communications with GRANDVALIRA RESORTS are electronic (email or notices published on the Website).

For contractual purposes, the User agrees to use this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all contracts, notifications, information, and other communications that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS sends electronically comply with the legal requirements of being in writing. This condition will not affect the User's rights as recognized by law.

The User can send notifications and/or communicate with GRANDVALIRA RESORTS through the contact information provided in these Conditions and, where appropriate, through the contact spaces on the Website. Likewise, unless otherwise stipulated, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS may contact and/or notify the User by email or at the postal address provided.

The user undertakes to make reasonable and reasoned use of the services of the Website and to comply with the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE, with GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserving the right to limit use if it deems it appropriate.

The Website is governed by the legislation applicable to Andorra. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS does not ensure that the Website complies with the laws of other countries, either totally or partially, and denies any liability that may arise from this access.

It is strictly forbidden to:

  • Use the name GRANDVALIRA RESORTS for professional or lucrative purposes directly or indirectly.
  • Use the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS website for purposes other than the acquisition of products and/or services.
  • Make false or fraudulent purchases. If it can reasonably be considered that a purchase of this nature has been made, it may be cancelled, and the competent authorities informed.
  • Publish offensive content of any kind, whether sexist, racist, defamatory and/or contrary to current legislation in Andorra.
  • Defame, abuse, harass, annoy, threaten, or infringe other's legal rights, such as the rights of privacy or publicity.
  • Use the Website for promotional purposes not expressly authorized by the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS team or disseminate unauthorized advertising content.
  • Impersonate another person, with the relevant legal consequences that derive from it.
  • Disseminate, publish, or request information that promotes the performance of any illegal act in its jurisdiction, including, but not limited to electronic fraud, sending spam, phishing, spoofing, forgery, and any other type of conduct that is considered an illegal act.
  • Undertake any fraudulent use of the Website.


6. Intellectual and industrial property 

The Website is protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. This includes, by way of example but in no way limited to, the contents, graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, and other elements that appear on the Website. Therefore, the User acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, commercialization, transformation, and in general, any form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the Website constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS or of the owner thereof, unless the User had obtained prior express authorization.

Any use other than by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, arrangement, or representation of any elements thereof is strictly prohibited except with the express written consent of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

The user may not modify, or use said intellectual and industrial property in such a way that its release would be detrimental to GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will claim for damages derived from the improper use by third parties of its intellectual and industrial property.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS does not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind on its intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other right or property related to the Website, the services or the contents.

7. Notification of breach

In the event that the User infringes intellectual and/or industrial property rights or any other rights of third parties, they will be warned by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS as soon as it becomes aware of such infringements so that the User can cease publishing the infringing content. In this case, the User will be liable for such infractions.

If any person or entity considers that the contents published on the Website infringe their rights of honour, privacy, image, or any other right, they may notify GRANDVALIRA RESORTS using any of the contact channels that appear on the Website with the subject “Violation of rights”, requesting its withdrawal and providing the following information:

  1. Identification of the rights protected by current legislation in this regard that are considered to have been violated,
  2. Identification of the contents that allegedly violate the rights in question with reasonably sufficient information to allow GRANDVALIRA RESORTS to locate said material on the Website,
  3. Information concerning contact details (physical or electronic address and telephone number) so that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS can communicate with said person or entity,
  4. A statement in which said person or entity affirms that the information included in the notification is true and accurate, and that they are the owner of the rights allegedly violated or that they are authorized or authorized to act on the behalf of said person or entity and copy of the DNI, passport, or other document that proves their identity.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will respond to the request and if it considers that the person or entity has justified reasons or causes to request the removal of such content, it will proceed to its immediate removal from the Website so that they are not accessible by users even from the cache memory.

8.Formalization of the contract and reservations

The Customer may formalize, at their choosing, the contracting of the products/services offered with GRANDVALIRA RESORTS in any of the languages in which these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE are available on the Website.

8.1 Prices 

The selling price is indicated in euros (€) and will be the current price at the time of contracting the products/services offered on the Website. The selling price of the products/services that appear on the Website may be modified by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS at any time, the price that will be applied to the purchase being the one that appears on the screen at the time of placing the Order.

The prices indicated on the Resort Services Website (ski passes, ski lessons, etc.) can be fixed or dynamic. In cases where a 'price from' is indicated, the availability of products or services at this minimum price is guaranteed, although it may vary depending on factors such as availability, station capacity, or current promotions. These prices will be published in the different sales channels, where the prices of the products by day and for each type of pass and category will be reflected. The changes made in the sale prices, which depend on the availability and capacity of the resort, will be duly reported to the Customer on the Website.

The prices include the General Indirect Tax (IGI) that will be applicable on the date of the Order in accordance with current regulations. Any modification of the applicable price will automatically affect the price of the products that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS sells on the Website.

In the event of a manifest pricing error resulting in a derisory price, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to cancel the purchase. A derisory price is defined as a price that is significantly below the market value of the product. In such cases, the company will immediately notify the consumer, offering the option of confirming the purchase at the correct price or proceeding with the cancellation and full refund of the amount paid.

Notwithstanding the Orders placed by the Customer, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS may at any time modify the assortment of products/services offered for sale on the Website, especially as a result of restrictions linked to its suppliers.

In accordance with the applicable regulations, the Customer will have the possibility, prior to the Order, to see on the Website all the information that the Service/Product Provider has provided to GRANDVALIRA RESORTS about the fundamental characteristics of the products/services that they want to purchase.

8.2 Reservation procedure

The Customer must follow the purchase and/or reservation procedure, during which various products/services can be selected and added to the basket or final purchase space. The Customer will have the possibility of checking the details of their order and correcting any errors. From the moment that the Customer confirms their Order by clicking on the icon “GO TO CHECKOUT” (hereinafter, the “Order”), it will be considered that they have knowingly accepted the content and the conditions of the Order in question and, specifically, the fact that their Order implies an obligation for them to pay.


During the purchase process, the Customer has the option of saving the products/services added to the basket or final purchase space as an estimate, to confirm and pay for them later. The Customer will be able to consult the estimate from their email mailbox or from the “My estimates” section within the private space of their account. The prices and availability of the services saved as “Estimates” are for informational purposes and will be subject to an availability review at the time of confirmation of the reservation.

8.4 Reservation confirmation

The Order will be confirmed by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS by sending an email to the Customer, where they will automatically receive the reservation voucher/locator, which will include the essential elements of the contracted services and products, the price, and the date on which the service will be available.

The reservation will not be confirmed until full payment of the contracted products/services is made.  Otherwise, the reservation will be cancelled.

In the case of hotel reservations that have been paid but not confirmed due to errors in the purchase process, whether it be due to availability or system errors, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS commits to making all reasonable efforts to resolve the situation. However, in the scenario where the rate or room availability cannot be confirmed at the time of the reservation, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not assume responsibility for resulting variations and cannot ensure the maintenance of reservation conditions if there is a new rate or no availability.

The voucher/locator has the character of a receipt, and the Customer must present it at the resort ticket offices, or at the reception of the accommodation or contracted service, as proof of the payment made to be able to use the contracted services, together with the ID/passport of the person who made the reservation. If the Customer does not receive the confirmation/locator voucher, they should contact us through Customer Services.

On the other hand, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS does not assume any liability in case of error when entering the details of the email and, therefore, of non-receipt of the reservation confirmation email.

The Customer may request the issuance of the invoice for the services provided by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS and receive it in paper format. Likewise, the issuance of the electronic invoice will be conditioned to the prior obtaining of the express consent of the Customer in the purchase process, with them being able to revoke it at any time, by sending an email through our contact form:


8.5 Signature 

Given the special characteristics of distance contracting, the Customer acknowledges the impossibility of signing the payment letter, a document by means of which the agreement of the transaction is usually provided. As such, they waive the signing of the document for all the electronic transactions generated as a result of the Reservation through the Website. The person who makes a Reservation through the Website must have authorization to do so on behalf of all the members of the group that will make the trip and must confirm that the people who are part of the group accept the conditions of the Reservation. In addition, this person will be responsible for the cost of the Reservation, including cancellation or modification fees. In the same way, this person will inform the rest of the members of the group of the details of the confirmation and any other pertinent information.

8.6 Free documentation delivery service 

In order to facilitate and speed up access to the ski resort, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS makes available to the Customer a free service delivering the reservation documentation (physical ski pass, vouchers with the services of the resort, etc.) directly to the accommodation reserved by the Customer. This service is offered only on reservations that include the renting of accommodation and on reservations made and paid at least 48 hours before the arrival date.

The Client must present an independent voucher for each of the contracted services that, due to its location, takes place outside the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS ski area.

9. Payment

9.1 Payments methods  

The means of payment through which you can buy on the Website are bank card. The bank cards accepted on the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website are the following: Visa and Mastercard.

Credit cards will be subject to checks and authorizations by the issuing bank, if the entity does not authorize payment, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not be responsible for the delay in confirming the reservation and will not be able to formalize any contract with the Client.

Customers can add their bank cards to their personal profile for more convenient payments. Each card added to the account will incur a one-time cost of 0.01 cents for card linking. However, if the card is added during the process of paying for a product or service, there will be no cost.

Paycomet is a certified payment platform with a high standard of payment security. Bank card details entered during the purchase process will be encrypted and stored securely.

9.2 Security in payment operations

In order to guarantee the security of payments made with bank cards, the Customer must communicate to GRANDVALIRA RESORTS the visual cryptogram (CVV) that appears on the back of the bank card used by the Customer.

Within the framework of the fight against Internet fraud, the data related to the Customer's Order may be communicated to third parties authorized by law or designated by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS, with the sole purpose of verifying the identity of the Customer, as well as the validity of the Order, the means of payment used, and the expected delivery.

Once this control has been carried out, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to require a photocopy of the Customer's identity document and/or any other data related to the Customer's identity. The Customer has rights conferred by the protection of personal data regulations as provided for in the Privacy Policy.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS uses all means to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the payment data transmitted by the Customer during transactions made through the Website. As such, the Website uses an SSL secure payment system (Secure Socket Layer).

9.3 Payment in instalments

This payment option can only be used for products/services where the system is enabled during the purchase process and when the reservation is made 30 days before the start of the service, the reserved product or service is refundable and the shopping basket has a value equal to or greater than €300.

The Customer will be charged the total price of their Order (including IGI indirect tax) in instalments, split into two instalments, in accordance with the payment schedule below.

Payment in 2 instalments

  • First instalment: 10% of the total amount of the order will be charged at the time the purchase/reservation is formalised.
  • Second instalment: The remaining amount of the order, 90% of the total, will be charged 7 days before the start date of cancellation fees.

No interest or financial expenses apply to this payment option. The applicable IGI will be divided proportionally between the two instalments.

By selecting this payment option, the Customer authorises GRANDVALIRA RESORTS to charge the corresponding instalments to their bank card on the dates indicated. 

In order to use this payment option, the Customer must be registered on the website and have a valid credit or debit card associated with their account, which expires no earlier than 20 days after the due date of the last instalment.

9.4 One-click payments

Through the one-click payment functionality, the Customer will be able to make purchases on the Website quickly and securely, avoiding the need to enter billing and payment details for each purchase.

One-click payment will be available in the final shopping basket. To use the one-click payment system, you must save your card details when paying with any of the cards accepted on the Platform, by checking the option ‘save my card details’.  Once card details have been entered, these are converted into tokens (codes) and subsequent payments will be processed directly using the token.

Should the Customer wish to save the details of one or more bank cards, the card whose details have been saved most recently will be considered their ‘Favourite Card’. By default, the amount of the purchases made through ‘one-click payments’ will be charged to this card. The Customer may, however, change their Favourite Card in the ‘My GrandSki’ section of the Website.

In order to use one-click payment, simply click on the ‘one-click payment’ button in the shopping basket. A screen will immediately appear showing the shipping, billing and payment details for the purchase. For purchases with other details, please do not use one-click payment.

10. General terms and conditions for purchasing Ski Pass Plus+

10.1 What is the ski pass plus + ?

The Ski Pass Plus+ is a personal and non-transferable pay-per-use pass for all customers who want to make the most of the snow, at the best price and without having to go to the Ticket Office every time they wish to ski at GRANDVALIRA RESORTS. Purchasing a Ski Pass Plus+ makes it cheaper to ski at the Grandvalira, Ordino Arcalís and Pal Arinsal resorts, and the ski pass is valid for the entire winter season in which the product was purchased. The Customer will only pay for the days that they ski and their ski days will be rewarded with discounts. From the second day of skiing onwards at each of the resorts named above, the Customer will receive a 15% discount on the ticket office price for a day pass. For example, from the second day of skiing in Grandvalira, you will receive a 15% discount. The same applies in the Ordino Arcalís and Pal Arinsal resorts. The maximum amount to be charged during the 2023–2024 season for the Ski Pass Plus+ product is the non-resident PVP of the season pass. The Ski Pass Plus+ card can be topped up, so we recommend keeping it at the end of the season to be used on future occasions.

10.2 Formalisation of the contract

The Customer may only purchase this product through the subdomain of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

The Customer must first register and then follow the purchase procedure at, during which they may select the relevant ski pass product (adult, junior, senior and/or child) for themselves and for the other people in their party and add them to the shopping basket or final purchasing area. Children under 6 years old get a free ski pass. The Customer will have the option to check the details of their order and correct any errors. Once the Customer confirms their order by clicking on the ‘TPV SINGLE PAYMENT’ icon (hereinafter, the ‘Order’), they will be considered to have accepted and be fully aware of its content and the general terms and conditions in question and, specifically, the fact that their Order requires a payment from them.

The Customer undertakes to notify the other people in their party who will be issued a ski pass of their rights and obligations with regard to their use of the ski pass, which will be understood to be accepted and binding from the time the service is contracted.

10.3 Payment method 

The only payment method accepted in the purchase process is Bank card. Online only, the amount of €5 will be charged for activation of the product and, subsequently, only the corresponding amount will be charged for each day of using the ski slopes, in accordance with the prices and other special conditions published on the ski resorts’ websites and subdomains, which the Customer acknowledges and accepts, as quantified below:

-       On the first day of use, the bank card of the Customer who has purchased the Ski Pass Plus+ will be charged, automatically or in any case within a maximum of 30 days after use, the entire amount of the ticket office Price for the 1-day Ski Pass at the corresponding ski resort.

-       Starting on the second day of use and on successive days, the Customer’s bank card will be charged, automatically or in any case within a maximum of 30 days after each use, the resulting price after applying a flat discount of 15% to the Ticket Office price of the 1-day Ski Pass at the corresponding ski resort.

Through the Website and subdomains, the ski resorts establish the maximum amount that can be charged to any Customer, regardless of the number of days of use, including insurance.

The Customer should bear in mind that if the bank card provided during the purchase process expires, is lost or is cancelled during the season for which it was purchased, they must contact our Ski Pass Plus+ customer service department as soon as possible to update their details using the form. Otherwise, the Ski Pass purchased by the Customer will be blocked and they will not be able to access the ski slopes.

For any questions or incidents regarding the Ski Pass Plus+, you may contact us at:

10.4 Order confirmation

The Order will be confirmed by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS by sending an e-mail to the Customer. They will then automatically receive the Order voucher/reference number, which will contain the essential elements of the services and products purchased.

10.5 Delivery of the product 

The products purchased during the Ski Pass Plus+ purchase process will be delivered to the Customer in person at the Ski Resort or, if the Customer chooses to top up their ski pass, it will be valid without the need to print a new physical card.

If the Customer wishes to collect the product at the ski resort, they will have to show the reference number of the order placed, along with a personal identification document with a valid photograph to prove their identity.

Once the Customer has purchased their Ski Pass, they will be able to use it to go skiing at the Grandvalira, Ordino Arcalís and Pal Arinsal resorts interchangeably.

10.6 Insurance 

If a Customer wishes to purchase insurance for medical assistance on the ski slopes and civil liability, they must do so during the purchase process for the Ski Pass Plus+ product. The cost of the insurance (€6.40 per person per day) will be automatically charged to the bank card provided by the Customer each day they use the Ski Pass. The validity of the insurance will be the same as the validity of the ski pass purchased.

If insurance is not added during the purchase process, the Customer may do so in person at the Ticket Office on the first day when they go to collect their Ski Pass Plus+, requesting it before the Ski Pass is printed. Once the ski pass has been used for the first time, the insurance can no longer be added.

10.7 Cancellation of the Ski Pass Plus+

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to cancel the Ski Pass Plus+ purchased by the Customer in any of the following circumstances:

a)    If there is a negative credit score from the credit bureau.

b)    If any of the amounts due are not paid.

c)     If the Ski Pass Plus+ is lost or stolen.

d)    If the Ski Pass is physically altered or used by any person other than the Holder.

e)    If the user endangers the safety of the facilities or the physical well-being of other users or the staff of the ski resort.

In the former two circumstances, the cancellation will take effect as soon as GRANDVALIRA RESORTS notifies the Customer by e-mail.

The Customer will have the right to cancel their Ski Pass Plus+ before the end of the season by notifying GRANDVALIRA RESORTS through the following form:

The cancellation of the Ski Pass Plus+ product due to any of the circumstances set out in this section of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale will not entitle the Customer to a refund of the partial or total price paid to date, nor to an exemption from paying the amounts due and/or still to be invoiced as a result of having used the ski pass. However, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to refund or partially exempt the payment if it considers that there are justifying circumstances. Only GRANDVALIRA RESORTS may issue the corresponding voucher for the ski pass product, in application of Art. 31 of the ‘Law concerning ski resort and cable transport installations’.

10.8 Loss or theft

In the event of loss or theft, the Customer or Ski Pass Holder must immediately inform GRANDVALIRA RESORTS using the form, in order to proceed with cancellation thereof. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will invoice the Customer for the amounts generated to date upon being notified of the incident.

The Customer may request the issuance of a new Ski Pass Plus+, agreeing to be bound by the contracting conditions in force at that time.

11. General terms and conditions for purchasing the Season Pass

11.1 What is the Season Ski Pass?

The Season Pass is a personal and non-transferable ski pass, valid throughout the winter and summer season, with unlimited access to the corresponding ski resorts, depending on the type of ski pass purchased.

11.2 Discount for renewal 

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS rewards the loyalty of its skiers. Those who already owned an Andorra Pass or Nord Pass in the 2023-24 season will receive a 5% discount when renewing their season pass during any of the sales periods for the 2024-25 season pass (this discount is cumulative with the family discount). At the time of purchase, remember that you do not need to register as a new customer again. You should use the same email address as in a previous purchase or update your password through our platform if you don't remember it.

Note: Excluded are Andorra Pass Senior Gold holders aged over 70 and over 75, Andorra Pass Baby, Extraescolar, Mountain Pass, University, and Companion.

11.3 Family discount 

To benefit from the family discount, you will need to buy three or more Andorra Pass or Nord Pass season passes. A family is understood to be only the spouse and direct descendants of the purchasing holder. The discount will only be applied from the third pass onwards, provided that the first two passes are adult or junior passes.

A 25% discount will be applied from the third and subsequent family members, as long as the purchase is made through a single holder. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not apply the family discount to purchases made through other holders, even if the named family relationship conditions are met.

The Mountain Pass, Freestyle, Senior, Senior Gold +70, Senior Gold +75, Andorran Resident (all parishes) and Sunday Season Passes are excluded from this discount.

11.4 Payment

During the purchase process, the Purchaser may choose to pay using one of the following methods:

Single payment: The full price of the ski pass is paid during the purchase process. The Website will redirect the Purchaser to the external payment gateway Paycomet or Redsys to complete the payment securely.

Payment in instalments: The payment of the season pass is allowed in three installments without interest or additional charges, for all clients who own the Season Pass (residents and non-residents in Andorra) 2024/25.

Installment payment period: The installment payment option can only be selected for purchases made online, with a credit card, between April 3, 2024, and December 8, 2024 (both dates inclusive). Condition applicable to the total amount of the purchase made.

Distribution of instalments

For purchases during the New Early Booking sales period (from April 3rd to July 9th):

  • A first installment, equivalent to 50% of the total purchase amount of the season passes, to be paid at the time of online purchase of the product.
  • A second payment, comprising 25% of the total purchase, to be paid on August 1st, 2024.
  • A third payment, comprising the remaining 25% of the total purchase, to be paid on September 3rd, 2024. The installment payment for the Season Pass will not incur interest if the installments are paid on time.

For purchases during the Promotional Price sales period (from July 10th to December 22nd):

  • A first installment, equivalent to 40% of the total purchase amount of the season passes, to be paid at the time of online purchase of the product.
  • A second payment, comprising 30% of the total purchase, to be paid on January 3rd, 2025.
  • A third payment, comprising the remaining 30% of the total purchase, to be paid on February 3rd, 2025. The installment payment for the season pass will not incur interest if the installments are paid on time.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will directly charge the installments to the same bank account associated with the credit card used for the initial purchase. In the event of a change of card during the season, charges will be made to the last associated card.

Note: Installments are calculated based on the total purchase amount and no interest or additional costs will be applied. Please note that if your card expires, is lost, or is canceled, you must contact the seasonal pass department through our web form as soon as possible to update your information.

Attention: GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to temporarily block the seasonal passes of the holder and/or members of the purchase if, at the time of installment payment, the corresponding amount is not paid by the due date. Otherwise, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to not reactivate these passes in case of delayed payment. For more information, please refer to the conditions of the installment payment contract.

Important: The pass collection points are all the ticket offices of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS from the opening of the stations, and at the stand of the Illa Carlemany shopping center (opening dates to be confirmed)

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will charge the corresponding amount for the 2nd and 3rd installments to the same bank card used by the Buyer for the 1st installment payment. In the event of changes to the card during the season, the charge will be made to the last associated card. If during the installment payment period, the bank card expires, is lost, or is canceled, the Buyer must contact the seasonal pass department as soon as possible to update their information through the web form.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to temporarily block the seasonal pass of the holder and/or members of the purchase if the corresponding amount is not paid on the indicated payment date. Once the Buyer proceeds to pay the outstanding amount, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will automatically activate the seasonal pass for the holder and/or members.

For further information, please visit:

11.5 Season Pass Insurance

The season pass insurance must be purchased during the buying process or before the first day of skiing. The insurance cannot be added or canceled once the pass has been used.

Important: If any of the compensation guarantees apply, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not refund the contracted insurance.

11.6 Order confirmation and delivery 

The Order will be confirmed by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS by sending an e-mail to the Customer. They will then automatically receive the Order voucher/reference number, which will contain the essential elements of the services and products purchased.

The products purchased during the purchase process will be delivered to the Customer in person at the Resort Ticket Office or, if the Customer chooses to top up their ski pass, it will be valid without the need to print a new physical card.

To be able to collect the product from the Ticket Office, the Customer will have to show the reference number of the order placed, along with a personal identification document with a valid photograph to prove their identity.

11.7 Returns and Compensations

Under no circumstances does GRANDVALIRA RESORTS assume responsibility for the refund or compensation of a lift pass insurance. 

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not accept requests for refunds of the Season Pass for any reason. In any case, each situation will be evaluated individually.

The compensation guarantee will apply to online purchases made during the Early Booking and Promo Price period, provided that skiing occurred less than 5 days before the end of the ski season.

The conditions of the guarantee apply to both resident and non-resident season passes. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will consider the application of this guarantee based on the type of season pass purchased and the days skied.

Excluded are the Extra-curricular, University, and Accompanying modalities.

The customer will only need to pay for the days skied at the ticket price and will receive a compensation voucher for the following season. If the included invitation with the season pass has been used, it will count as a skiing day.

The guarantee can be requested during the current season and up until April 20, 2025.

11.8 Discount policy in case of pregnancy, accident on the slopes, illness, or border closure

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS offers its clients compensation through a discount voucher for the following season in case of pregnancy, accident on the slopes, illness, or forced border closure during the season for which they have purchased a Ski Pass. The value of the economic compensation will vary depending on the days the client has skied and the type of pass.

To receive the discount, the Client with a season Ski Pass must request this voucher through the following forms:

11.8.1 General Requirements

These conditions apply to the Non-Resident and Resident Season Ski Pass.

To obtain the discount voucher, it will be necessary to provide the necessary documents or medical reports so that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS can validate and process the compensation.

The discount voucher must be used during the season immediately following the acquisition of the discount voucher.

However, if the Client cannot purchase a season Ski Pass the following year to use the discount voucher, they can contact GRANDVALIRA RESORTS before the end of the current season via:

Discount vouchers are personal, non-transferable and for only one use and can only be used by the affected holder. The name of the voucher holder cannot be changed to another person, and the voucher amount will not be paid in cash. All cases will be personally reviewed by the Season Ski Pass team.


Clients who have obtained compensation vouchers according to point 11.7.2 of the General Sales Conditions related to the season pass can purchase the pass in Early Booking with the relevant discount in each case, from May 1 to July 9 or until stocks last. The units for this promotion are 4000 passes.

11.8.2 Requirements to obtain a Discount Voucher for the Andorra Pass Season Ski Pass or Nord Pass

The discount voucher can be requested no later than April 20, 2025, via:

Only the Client who has used the Ski Pass for less than 11 days in the season can request the corresponding discount voucher.

If the Client uses the Ski Pass in any skiing or walking mode for 11 days or more, they cannot request the discount voucher.

The type of discount voucher will be determined as follows:

  • 1 day of use: The Client can choose between benefiting from the Compensation Guarantee (as detailed in section 11.6 of these conditions) or requesting a discount voucher, the value of which will be 100% of the amount paid.
  • 2-7 days of use: The days the Ski Pass was used (calculated at the day pass price at the ticket office) will be deducted from the amount paid by the Client, and a discount voucher for the difference will be issued.
  • 8-10 days of use: A 10% discount voucher for the purchase of the next season's ski pass will be provided to the Client.

The offered discount voucher can only be used during the following two consecutive seasons. If the voucher is not used, it will become obsolete.

The ticket office day price will be deducted. The invitation of the ski pass will count as a day used if it has been used, as well as the days in international ski resorts, which will also be considered when managing compensation vouchers.

11.9 Loss of theft of the Season Pass

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS informs the Customer that, in the event of loss or theft of the physical Season Pass card, they should contact the Customer Service Department to report the incident, as soon as possible using the web form or in person at any of the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Ticket Offices.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will block the lost or stolen pass and issue a duplicate at any authorised GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Ticket Office for a €20 handling fee. The duplicate can be obtained at the resort Ticket Offices.

If a Ski Pass is blocked due to fraudulent use, the Customer must contact GRANDVALIRA RESORTS, and their case will be studied.

11.10 Physical Support of the Season Pass

The season pass is personal and non-transferable.

All customers who have purchased a season pass must carry it physically to use it at the corresponding ski resort during its validity. Any individual accredited as a GRANDVALIRA RESORTS employee may request the pass from the customer for verification purposes.

If the physical pass is not available, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not, under any circumstances, provide a temporary pass or invitation. If the customer wishes to access the resort, they must purchase a day pass at the ticket office or request a duplicate of the season pass at a cost of €20. Under no circumstances may the customer request a refund of the amount paid from GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

12. Civil infractions and penalties 

  • The practice of any regulated activity in the domain without a ski pass, when the ski pass is required, will mean that the user will be required to pay an amount equivalent to three times the price of the corresponding daily pass for the activity in question.
  • Without prejudice to any criminal liability where appropriate, the use of a ski pass by a person other than the holder, the manipulation of the ski pass to alter its characteristics or the consent of the holder to any of the previous behaviours, will result in the immediate withdrawal of the pass and an economic sanction equivalent to three times its value.
  • If the ski pass is used abusively or fraudulently, the accredited resort personnel may withdraw it immediately and may prohibit the use of the facilities and movement on the slopes, without prejudice to any legal actions the resort may bring.

Any users who fail to comply with the obligations imposed on them by this Law and the resort’s internal regulations will be denied access to the domain by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS and will have their ski pass immediately withdrawn or deactivated.
For customers whose passes have been withdrawn due to fraudulent use, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS offers the opportunity to obtain a new pass, during the same season, at the corresponding RRP.

13. Cancellation and modification policy 

The Customer may modify or cancel the reservation made at any time, prior to the arrival date, in accordance with these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE and the provisions of the Specific Conditions of each service offer.

If you wish to cancel the reservation, you can do so through any of the following means:

If you wish to amend your booking, you may do so by contacting the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Booking Centre through the contact forms indicated in the section above.

In the event of purchasing a product intended for an age group or activity that does not correspond to the actual age of the user of the product or the activity for which it is intended, payment of the corresponding price difference will be required.

13.1 Expenses applicable to the cancellation of reservations

In the event of wishing to cancel the tourist services contracted through the Website, the Customer has the right to obtain reimbursement of the amount that they would have paid, with deduction, where appropriate, of the amount derived from cancellation expenses on the part of the SERVICE PROVIDERs.

The Cancellation Conditions of each SERVICE PROVIDER can be consulted in the description of the services during the reservation process, before confirming it and in the confirmation email, once the reservation has been made. It must be taken into account that some reservations cannot be cancelled or modified, and so we recommend consulting the information provided during the reservation process of the product/service that is of interest to you before making the reservation.

The amount of cancellation fees may vary depending on the destination, the cancellation date, and the service you want to cancel.

13.2 Refund of the payment

In the event that a refund is to be given to the Customer, once the deductions mentioned in the Cancellation Conditions of each SERVICE PROVIDER have been made, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will pay the corresponding amount to the Customer as soon as possible and in no case will the period exceed 30 days.

If the Customer made the reservation payment using a bank card, the amount will be returned to the account associated with the card with which the payment was made.  

13.3 Early departure from tourist accommodation 

If the Customer decides to leave the reserved tourist accommodation in advance before the scheduled departure date, the SERVICE PROVIDER may demand a penalty on the total price of the contracted services that remain to be used, unless there is a specific agreement otherwise between the parties.

In the event that the Customer must leave the reserved tourist accommodation in advance prior to the scheduled departure date, due to duly justified force majeure, the Customer has the right to be paid the price of the services that remain to be used.

14.  Modification or cancellation of the service by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS or the SERVICE PROVIDER

In the event of it being impossible to provide the contracted service, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS may seek an alternative for the Customer whenever possible and conditions permitting. In the event that no alternative to the service initially contracted can be offered or that the alternative offered is not accepted by the Customer, the contract will be deemed to be terminated.

When atmospheric, weather or snow conditions or other circumstances beyond the resort’s control mean that an activity or item of infrastructure cannot operate with the required level of safety, the resort must suspend the operation of same. In this case, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will offer the Customer compensation, in the form of a voucher, for the product purchased. This voucher can be used on another day during the current season or in the following season.

In the event of overbooking of the contracted accommodation, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to offer the Customer accommodation of the same or a higher category than the accommodation contracted, as close as possible to the accommodation where the booking was made, whenever possible and conditions permitting. If GRANDVALIRA RESORTS is unable to offer an alternative to the Customer or if the Customer and user does not accept the proposed change, the contract will be cancelled and GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will refund the amount paid by the Customer.

15. Complaints and claims 

Irregularities or deficiencies that the Customer may find in the contracted services need to be notified directly to the SERVICE PROVIDER in question, as soon as possible and, if possible, while the said services are being used, so that there is the possibility of rectifying the situation from the start.

In the event that the solution provided does not satisfy the Customer, they must contact the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Customer Services department, which will respond to the claims received as soon as possible and, in all cases, within a maximum period of one month from the submission of the claim.

In addition, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS has official complaint forms available to consumers and Users, and these can be requested from GRANDVALIRA RESORTS at any time, using the contact information provided at the beginning of these Conditions (General contact information) or using the following form:


GRANDVALIRA RESORTS is a company that only manages online sales channels. The Customer is informed that any claim arising from an accident on the slopes must be sent to the company operating the ski slopes, as indicated below:


Sectors: Pas de la Casa, Grau Roig, Peretol and Encamp; the claim must be made to the company SAETDE, located at C/ Prat de la Creu, 59, AD500 Andorra la Vella. Contact e-mail:

Sectors: Soldeu, El Tarter and Canillo; the claim must be made to the company ENSISA, located at Edificio de l’Obac - Telecabina, AD100 El Tarter. Contact e-mail:


Ordino Arcalís resort: The claim must be made to the company SECNOA, located at C/ Prat de la Creu, 59, AD500 Andorra la Vella. Contact e-mail:


Pal Arinsal resort: The claim must be made to the company SETAP365, located at C/ Prat de la Creu, 59, AD500 Andorra la Vella. Contact e-mail:

Furthermore, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS has official complaint forms available to consumers and users, which can be requested from GRANDVALIRA RESORTS at any time, using the contact details provided at the beginning of these Terms and Conditions (General Contact Details) or by using the

GRANDVALIRA contact form:



16. Travel insurance 

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS recommends taking out adequate travel insurance before reaching your destination. It is the Customer's responsibility to verify that the insurance contracted offers adequate coverage.

17. Skiing insurance 

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS recommends taking out adequate skiing insurance before reaching your destination.

In the event of not having ski insurance, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS offers its Customers the option to take out a ski insurance policy that will allow the Customer to cover solely and exclusively personal and third-party damages caused by the practice of skiing and some of the adventure activities it promotes, as long as they are done within the domain’s resorts. You can consult the Ski Insurance Policy Wording here:

We would like to remind our Customers that the contracting of ski insurance only covers the risks specified in the policy. For this reason, we recommend reading the Ski Insurance Policy Wording, which will be provided to the Customer during the contracting process.

18. Accommodation services: Plans and classification 

18.1 Quality of the accommodation

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS publishes in its offers the indication of the level of quality and comfort of the accommodation services, in accordance with the data provided by the SERVICE PROVIDERs and in accordance with the destination's own classification system. This classification is offered simply as a reference and quality parameter, however, the Customer is duly informed that we have not carried out quality controls of the establishments offered on the Website and sub-domains, and GRANDVALIRA RESORTS is not responsible for the suitability of the accommodation or services provided.

It is very important and highly recommended that the Customer carefully read the individual characteristics shown in the offer of the contracted accommodation.

18.2 Accommodation plans 

All-inclusive plan: Unless expressly stated otherwise, the all-inclusive plan includes all meals, non-alcoholic beverages and activities that are mentioned in the description of each service provided by the SERVICE PROVIDER. Likewise, as a general rule, the all-inclusive plan has scope for only local alcoholic beverages.

Full board plan: Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and accommodation. As a general rule, lunches and dinners do not include drinks, unless otherwise indicated in the offer.

Half board plan: Unless otherwise stated in the offer, this includes breakfast, dinner, and accommodation. The general rule is that lunches and dinners do not include drinks.

Bed and breakfast plan: Includes breakfast and accommodation.

In the event that the tourist establishment selected for the Customer's stay cannot offer the contracted food plan due to force majeure or due to the imposition of regulatory restrictions that make the normal development of services impossible, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will reimburse the Customer the corresponding amounts for the services that have not been able to be provided, taking as a reference the rates of the contracted accommodation as specified on the Website.

18.3 Meals

If the meals are part of the accommodation package contracted and the Customer cannot or does not want to consume them for reasons attributable to the Customer, no refund will be made for the amounts related to the meals.

19. Liability and Security of transactions 

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS guarantees the correct application of security measures and control over the processing of your personal data provided, which are needed to carry out online transactions. The sole purpose of using the Customer's identifier and/or password will be to verify their identity, which is required when validating the order. Communication of the bank card number and the definitive validation of the order will serve as proof of the acceptance of said Order and of the enforceability of the amounts committed for the reservation of the products that appear in the Request. The computer records, kept in the computer systems of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS and its associates, will be considered proof of communications, orders, and payments made between the parties.

Specifically, the Customer is responsible for maintaining the security of their online transactions and/or password. As such, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS does not assume, in any case, any liability for the fraudulent use of this data.

20. Customer Services / Mediation Services 

For any additional information, query related to the status of a Reservation, or claim related to your order, you can contact the Customer Services of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS, through:


21. Liabilities 

21.1 Legal capacity to contract 

The Customer declares that they have full legal capacity (over 18 years old) to contract the services offered by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS on the Website and its sub-domains, stating that they accept the link to these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE and that, therefore, in the event that a person who does not have legal capacity places an Order on the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website, the legal persons responsible for said person (parents or guardians) will assume full responsibility for this Order and, specifically, must satisfy the cost of it.

21.2 Limitation of liability 

Unless otherwise provided by law, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not accept any liability for the following losses, regardless of their origin:

  • Any losses that were not attributable to their breach of contract;
  • Business losses (including lost profits, income, contracts, anticipated savings, data, loss of goodwill, or unnecessary expenses incurred); or from
  • Any other indirect loss that was not reasonably foreseeable by both parties at the time the service contract between both parties was formalized.

Likewise, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS also limits its liability in reference to the following cases:

  • GRANDVALIRA RESORTS takes all measures to provide a faithful view of the information of the Services offered through the Website but is not liable for inaccuracies in the information offered by the SERVICE PROVIDERs.
  • Technical errors that, due to chance or other causes, prevent the normal operation of the service through the Internet. Lack of availability of the Website for maintenance or other reasons, which prevents the availability of the service. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS uses every means at its disposal in order to carry out the process of buying, paying and shipping/delivery of the products. However, it is not responsible for causes that are not attributable to it, chance events, or anything larger.
  • GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not be liable for damages derived from misuse of the Website, nor for any fraudulent action carried out using the information provided therein.
  • GRANDVALIRA RESORTS is not liable for possible security errors or disconnections that may occur or for possible damages that may be caused to the User's computer system (hardware and software), or the files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of viruses on the User's computer, used to connect to the Website, or of a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the browser.
  • GRANDVALIRA RESORTS is not responsible for any liability that may arise due to the Customer not communicating any allergy or intolerance that they may suffer from. The responsibility will be uniquely and exclusively attributable to the Customer, or where appropriate, to the catering establishment.

In general, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not be responsible for any breach or delay in the fulfilment of any of the obligations assumed, nor for any change, cancellation, or modification of the reservation made, nor for any loss or damage caused by breach, by those responsible for providing the service, of the respective obligations to the Customer, when it is due to events that are beyond their reasonable control, that is, they are due to force majeure, and this may include, but is not limited to:

  • Strikes, lockouts, or other protest measures.
  • Civil commotion, revolt, invasion, terrorist threat or attack, state of emergency, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparations for war.
  • Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, or any other natural disaster.
  • Impossibility of using trains, boats, airplanes, motor transport, or other means of transport, public or private.
  • Inability to use public or private telecommunication systems.
  • Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations, or restrictions imposed by any government or public authority.

22. Liability and limitation of liability for links from other web pages 

Users who wish to offer contents of the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS website on their own web page may insert a link that links from their web page to the home page of the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS website.

Any User who wishes to offer content from the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website on their own website may use a link that links their website to the home page of the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website.

The web pages that offer a link to the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website may use the brand, logo, trade name and/or any other distinctive sign of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS only and exclusively in the cases legally authorized or expressly permitted by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

The user may not reproduce the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website in any way on their own website, nor may they establish frames of any kind that surround the Website or allow it to be viewed through different Internet addresses, or together with content outside the Website, in a way which produces or may produce error or confusion in the public about the origin of the contents, implies an act of unfair comparison or imitation, serves to take advantage of the reputation and brand of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS, or which is done in any other way prohibited by applicable law.

The User who enters a link to the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website, may not under any circumstances make false or inaccurate statements about GRANDVALIRA RESORTS, about its members, and/or users or about the quality of the content offered.

The web pages in which the link to the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website is offered must not offer content that is illegal, harmful, or contrary to morals and good customs, and which produces or may produce the false idea that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS endorses or supports the ideas, displays, or actions of said users, or that are inappropriate in relation to the activity carried out by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

23. Liability and limitation of liability for links to other web pages

In order to help the user to find information or services of interest, the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website may include hyperlinks or links to other websites that are not owned or controlled by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS does not control the contents, the legal conditions, the privacy policies, or the practices of third-party websites, nor does it assume any responsibility for them.

The User acknowledges and accepts that access to other websites does not imply that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS recommends and approves their content, and that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not be liable for any loss or damage that the User may suffer, as a result of the availability of the aforementioned websites, or as a consequence of the credibility that they confer on the completeness, precision, or existence of any information offered through said websites.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will withdraw from the Website, or prevent access to, those links that refer to illegal activities or which are harmful to the rights or property of a third party, provided that a competent body has so declared, and as established by current regulations.

24. Publicity 

The Website may host advertising content. Advertisers are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the Website complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will not be liable for any error, inaccuracy, or irregularity that the advertising or sponsored content may contain.

25. Protection of personal data 

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will treat all the information entered on the Website, in accordance with the Privacy Policy identified on the website, as indicated by Law 29/2021, of 28 October, on the protection of personal data, and the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679, as the data controller for the data included on the Website.

In order to guarantee a correct development of the contracted products/services, we inform you that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will share your personal data with the SERVICE PROVIDER that offers the contracted service.

You can exercise your rights of access, correction, deletion, opposition and, where appropriate, portability and limitation, by sending an email to You can consult additional and detailed information on data protection at our official website.

26. Miscellany 

26.1 Partial invalidity

If one or more of the provisions of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE were to be considered invalid or declared invalid by application of any law, regulation, or as a consequence of a final decision of a competent authority, the remaining provisions will retain their full validity and scope.

  • Waiver exclusion

The fact that either of the parties chooses to not exercise their rights in the event of non-compliance by the other party of any of the obligations imposed by these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE, shall not be interpreted as a waiver of rights with regards to future breaches of the obligation in question.

  • Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These general conditions are governed by the legislation of the Principality of Andorra. The parties submit, by their own choice for the resolution of conflicts and renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the User's domicile, or where appropriate, to the place of fulfilment of the obligation.

26.2 Duration

These GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE will remain in force until the end of the contract between the parties and the extinction of all the obligations assumed by each of them. These Conditions may be modified, so it is the Customer's responsibility to consult them periodically and especially when placing an order since the Conditions in force at that time will be those that are applicable.


Revision date for the conditions: May 2023